Frequently Asked Questions

  • Roleplay Nations is a nation roleplay bot where you run your own nation. Using /start you can unlock all the features of the bot. By using this command you agree to adhere to the Roleplay Nations Terms of Service, which you can read by clicking here.

  • Make sure to run the /start command before trying to use any other commands.
  • Check the bot has the sufficient 'Use Slash Commands' permissions in the channel you are trying to use it.
  • Make sure to check channel permissions, and any other roles the bot has.
  • Check the command or module isn't disabled by asking staff in our support server.
  • Check if the bot is online and not having any issues. You can check by going to our Discord server.

  • Recently we've made the change to Slash commands, which means you no longer have the ability to change server-wide prefixes for Roleplay Nations. / is now the global prefix.

  • ⭐, 🌟, 🌠 means that the person has donated to Roleplay Nations.
  • 🔍 means that the person is good at finding bugs/errors within the bot.
  • 🛠️ means that the person is a bot moderator or administrator.

  • To request an appeal of a ban, contact one of the Moderators in the Support server (users who attained the 'Moderator' role)

  • Go to the Report section page. By using the Report feature you agree to provide only factual and true information. (Article VI: Exploitation and Bug Reporting of the RN Game Rules)

  • To submit a Transfer request, head down to this page. All requests are usually responded to in 7-14 days.


Commands you should start with

  • /start (nation name): The command required to set up your country.
  • /rules: Game rules.
  • /nation: This is the panel where you will see your country's statistics. If you open page 3, you will see the urgent needs of your country in order to maintain happiness.
  • /collect tax: You get money via this command. (Check /tax as well)
  • /buildings info: After you see your country's needs (previously seen on page 3 of the /nation command, where it shows how many homes you have), look here. (fire stations, sewage facilities, water facilities, police stations etc)
  • /construct (number) (building name): After you see what your country needs, construct some buildings. (Don't build more than necessary because the upkeep of your newly-built building may be harmful to the country's economy)
  • /resources: Your resource stash will be shown here.(Keep it private from everyone)
  • /trade deals: Buy or sell from this panel for resources and money.
  • /purchase infra (number): For more population and more tax income.
  • /claim vote: For extra money, vote for RN on!
  • /help: Use it too see other commands.


  • Keep your happiness high because if it goes to 0, your country will collapse. (Page 1 and page 3)
  • If you buy unnecessary buildings, there will be more expenses. (And that's bad)
  • Before you build, read the articles in the buildings info and nation page 3. (For example, see how many homes you have. Build the necessary amount of power, water, sewage facilities to keep your citizens happy!)
  • Do not focus on your military more than anything else when starting, it's not worth it (considering costs).
  • Tourists can bring disease to your nation, so be fully prepared before constructing tourism buildings. (build hospitals)
  • Build power plants, water and sewage facilities, fire stations, police stations, and hospitals in order to maintain a good reputation ruling your country.
  • Select your government type and policies. Note that each policy has different pros and cons. Choose them by doing /social policy and /economic policy respectively.
  • At first, it's okay to use cheap but polluting power plants, however, as you progress, disease from air pollution may be a problem. Start transitioning to green once you reach millions of citizens.
  • Can't build buildings due to a lack of resources? Build resource-producing plants.
  • Once you're fully prepared to invest in your military, build military facilities. Check /military prices to see cost for each unit type. Use /military production_line to see which units are currently being built.
  • Make sure your happiness does not reach 0%, or you will loose your nation.
  • You have trade commands like /trade deals, /trade offer, /trade buy, which can be used for trading resources in exchange for money.
  • The bot includes a system of diplomatic points and relations, which you can initiate by using /improve relation or /decrease relation and typing the appropriate nation name.
  • Use the Roleplay Nations Assistant below to help you with any underlying issues! You can also join the Support server for issues the Assistant cannot resolve.

Check out our RN status page!

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